Testimonials & Stories.

Browse testimonials and stories from real customers.


Jelena Rountree

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We started with a simple meeting with Jelena in 2022 and it has just been insane how our life and our spending has changed. Within 9 months we were consumer debt free and well on our way to meeting so many other goals. We just could never understand where all our money was going, we are a dual income home and still couldn’t get ahead but with Solomon’s team and all the help from Jelena we are ready to start investing and saving for our future! We are now able to really see where our money is going and intentionally put it where we need it.
Our kids will all be taking their course for teens when the time comes!!
We have already referred so many friends and family and all their stories have been positive as well!



Trent Devine

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I have been very fortunate to have Trent Devine helping with our investments for the past several years. Our previous financial advisors were happy to invest our money but not as helpful or forthcoming as Trent. Since moving under his guidance our investments have grown, are more tax efficient and he doesn’t mind repeatedly answering my questions, especially since we are starting to make retirement withdrawals. We were happy to move with him to Solomon. A company that is more suited to his personal and professional values. Thanks Trent and in extension Dan Dyck for creating a great company that cares for the people you serve.



Doris Bruneau

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I met Doris serendipitously about a decade ago. In chatting, we discovered that we had similar values and outlooks on things. So, I decided to trust my instincts and see what she had to offer as a financial advisor.

Ten years in, and Doris is still a great listener, knowledgeable and financially savvy. She provides various options and explains their respective pros and cons. Her greatest strength, in my opinion, is her untiring dedication and flexibility to help each and every client meet their financial goals. Every person that I have recommended to Doris over the years has echoed this sentiment — she listened to them, explained things fully, made them feel comfortable, and empowered them with a custom-tailored plan. My financial portfolio (funds, insurance, investments) has never been healthier, and Doris has been a guiding and helpful influence throughout. 



Jelena Rountree

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Jelena with Solomon Financial has been the biggest help for us on our financial journey. She has the heart of a teacher and has been so patient and willing to answer our many questions over the past year. Jelena has also been extremely thorough in her responses giving us all relevant information so we can make the best informed decisions regarding our financial plan. Because of Jelena we have a confident outlook regarding our financial future and we look forward to continuing to work with Solomon Financial in the years to come. 



Doris Bruneau

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Doris has been my financial advisor for 9  years.  She has always been right on top of my accounts and has always given me very sound advice.  She is knowledgeable and is extremely efficient  in the way that she has dealt  with my accounts.  I have absolute confidence in her so much so that when she moved companies I followed her.  I previously had a rough ride in 2008/9 which left me very nervous  about the markets, Doris restored my confidence.  I am very happy to recommend Doris for any  of your financial needs.



Jelena Rountree

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We love the system! We were able to get out of debt and really see how we were spending out money. Nothing else we ever did worked hut now we are hooked and loving the financial freedom! Thank you!!!



Trent Devine

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We have worked with Trent for over 10 years. He is has been a reliable source of knowledge, offering us choices and advice with regards to managing our finances. He makes himself available via phone calls, emails or meetings whenever the need arises. His punctuality for discussions and his professionalism and patience during discussions is much appreciated. We look forward to continuing our journey with Trent.



Jelena Rountree

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The average one income home looking for budgeting advice and strategies, and a little of advice for savings.



Jill Moore


Waneta Usher

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After 2 years of financial stress, we desperately needed help. My husband was unemployed for over 2 years, we were several thousand dollars in debt, and things were feeling hopeless. We had previously approached our bank for a consolidation loan but had been denied. We were disheartened and discouraged. A friend mentioned Jill at Solomon Financial as being very helpful, while remaining caring and non-judgmental and also someone who would work with your situation and come up with potential ideas to help any budget. Nervous but hopeful, I texted Jill out of the blue. She was very responsive. She and Waneta met myself and my very reluctant husband, and explained how they could help, even when we were struggling and doubtful. Jill and Waneta brain stormed and came up with several suggestions, many of which we were able to implement. Just over a year later we aren’t quite out of the woods but are well on our way and we attribute this to Jill and Waneta whose faith in us never flagged and whose continued encouragement kept us on track and feeling more in control of our money and our lives. We highly recommend their services and could never have gotten so far without them. Thank you with all our hearts – we’re thrilled with our experience and looking forward to a positive future!



Jelena Rountree

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We were in a pinch living paycheck to paycheck and not having a fall back savings or emergency fund, very good retirement savings, or paying anything off like we wanted to, never mind paying anything off early. We had heard of Jelena and jumped into her arms as fast as we could, we are taking her advice and tips and over four months have great savings and would be paying stuff off if it wasn’t for COVID, but we have had the savings to live without my husband being able to work and we are so greatful and not stressed!



Dan Dyck


Trent Devine

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We recently found ourselves in a position where we had some funds that we needed to invest. We had zero experience, no knowledge and were quite nervous about who we could trust with our unique situation. After connecting with numerous investment firms and individuals, including Solomon Financial, we have happily made the decision to work with Solomon. They were the only ones who made us feel like they truly understand our goals & needs. Through their advice, thorough explanations to all our questions, recap emails and reassurances, we have peace of mind that, although they are the experts, we still have complete control of our financial future. They are knowledgeable, professional, personable and never pressured us into anything. Based on our experience, it would be worth anyone’s time to have Solomon Financial analyze and provide recommendations.



Tamarann Hillock

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We are so grateful for all the help and support that Tamarann Hillock has provided us through all our financial issues and steps as they have come up along way …. Thank-You, Tamarann 😊



Murray Young

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I’m a bit of late bloomer when it comes to investing and planning for my retirement. I have dealt with many different financial institutions and investment companies over the years and never felt that they had my best interests in mind. They were just salesmen selling a product and the returns on my investments reflected that.  

I have had the exact opposite experience with Murray Young from Solomon Financial. He works in a unique team environment, where they are continuously sharing ideas and information that are for the benefit of the client. It has been clear to me from the beginning that they take my investment goals seriously and provide personalized advice that suits my financial situation.  

Murray has demonstrated to me that he has a genuine interest in my financial success and is frequently contacting me to discuss my investments, but at the same time I never feel pressured to do something that I’m not comfortable with. There’s a level of attention provided that gives me confidence that my investments are actually being reviewed and managed regularly. 

Needless to say, my investments have never performed better and I would recommend Murray and Solomon Financial to anyone who is considering their financial future and want’s excellent investment advice with a personal touch.  



Tamarann Hillock

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I have been working with Tamarann for almost 3 years on my retirement plan. Tamarann actually cares about the people she is working with and you will not be just another number to her. She has turned my retirement dream into an actual reality in just these few short years. As far as Solomon Financial, they all treat you like family when you walk in the door. They all know your name and take the time to say hi and ask how you are doing. I have worked with a few different companies in the past and none of them have had the passion for helping people like the Solomon Financial team.



Tamarann Hillock


Jill Moore

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I have been working with Tamarann for almost 3 years on my retirement plan. Tamarann actually cares about the people she is working with and you will not be just another number to her. She has turned my retirement dream into an actual reality in just these few short years. As far as Solomon Financial, they all treat you like family when you walk in the door. They all know your name and take the time to say hi and ask how you are doing. I have worked with a few different companies in the past and none of them have had the passion for helping people like the Solomon Financial team.



Dan Dyck

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I have been dealing with Dan for many years now and have always been happy with everything… and I’m not an easy client! Over the years, life changes and it has been awesome to have such a caring, invested investor to help look after my finances with/for me. And he has helped with financial things beyond himself even – connecting me with other great people and getting awesome rates for things like mortgages and lines of credit… always going above and beyond. If anyone ever has questions and wants unbiased, genuine recommendations and suggestions… I always recommend Solomon (but more Dan Dyck than the company lol). He is truly just awesome 😀



Tammy Henkelman

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I can begin to say that I owe a lot to Solomon Financial Advisers, more than anyone would know. Three years ago I could see no way out for me and my husband financially. We made a stupid mistake and lost all our investments. My husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and therefore I was becoming the main bread winner of the home. Since I’m paid only hourly we had a hard time to make ends meet and most of the time were under a bit more in the red each passing month. It was at the point where I honestly believed that we were about to become homeless at our old age. That is when we were introduced to Solomon Financial Advisers.

We went for the two nights of educating on how to manage your finances. It all sounds amazing and I kept thinking that if only I had this information years ago. After getting my courage together I made an appointment with Tammy and that is when my life took a turn and made a complete turnaround. Though I was red in the face because of our situation they were so kind and never once made me feel guilty or even judged. (Take note that we were never really great spenders, but we also had no idea where all our money went to.) We were directed into easy ways in taking control of every cent we earned. Every time I had a question they were willing and eager to help me with so much information in solving a problem. They never forced us into any decision but gently lead us in a better way of thinking.

Their help didn’t stay only with financial support but in many different ways in helping us to cope. Suddenly I had full control of our money and amazingly my stress levels were less. Currently we are surviving with ease and even collected money into our savings account. Very soon Solomon financial Advisers will help us in investing and building a better retirement for ourselves. Thank you Tammy and Tamarann for willingly helping us. We realize that your time and efforts were always free. We are blessed to have you in our lives.



Meghan Dyck

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Solomon Financial has been a God send for me, especially because I’m a single female, that’s self employed. Although I was doing well on my own, having individuals with the knowledge to support my financial growth and goals is so fantastic. In less than a year, I was able to reduce my debt load by %50, start using a cash budget for groceries, dining out, entertainment and fuel, and feel confident while doing it all. If I have a question, Meghan is right there to help answer it for me. I highly recommend their services to improve your financial standing and develop an investment portfolio.


Jill Moore


Josiah Connolly


John Connolly

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As I’m doing our monthly budgeting I wanted to stop and express my gratitude for all your hard work and time put into our lives. As I look at our financial statements I am filled with such gratitude. It will soon be the second anniversary of my Mother In-laws passing. When I first found out she left money to our children I wanted to make sure whatever we did with the money it honored her. I could look my children in the eyes and know I did what was best. Thanks to Solomon the funds are safe and will hopefully grow for them. I am very pleased we have protected that money and will continue to. We would not be where we are today without Solomon. We were together for 10 years before Solomon Financial came into our lives. I felt like I tried everything for ten years to get ourselves financially stable yet we struggled. It wasn’t until Solomon came along that everything changed. There were a lot of factors that contributed to our financial mess. Although even years after my husband and I were finally on the same team about our finances and agreed on our goals it seemed reaching those goals was impossible. We took classes, read books, yet we still weren’t achieving them. I could say thank you one hundred times over and it doesn’t feel like it’s enough. You changed our lives and our children have better lives because of Solomon.


Josiah Connolly

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Last March my husband and I both held full time jobs which we were both enjoying and feeling fulfilled in. In April COVID changed that. In less than 24 hours notice, I lost not only my employment/income but also the opportunity to be a part of a vital team…such great loss as many others have found as well. As we are ‘nudging’ retirement, we are so grateful for Josiah and the team at Solomon for coaching us so wisely as we navigate this new season in our lives. Even though we have tried to make wise financial decisions throughout our lives we simply did not have the knowledge or the skills to move forward at this point. It is amazing and comforting to know that the whole team at Solomon worked together in caring for us and strategizing next steps for us. We know our investments are safely and skillfully being managed and unexpectedly we still have our name on the title of our home. This would not have been our story without Josiah and Solomon’s guidance. We are truly grateful.


Murray Young

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Murray has made my investing easy and profitable, the team is always keeping an eye on the market and how to better help each individual client. I highly recommend Solomon financial and Murray to help everyone with a happy retirement. Thank you Murray.



Brent Coutu

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I met Brent about 12 years ago when he first started out in the field. We chatted for a while, just general conversation. We met again a few weeks later while our kids played at a local park. He mentioned that he was an investment advisor and of course I was looking for more information. I ended up getting life insurance, and both personal and business investments options from him. Thank you Brent. I do appreciate all your help. 



Brent Coutu

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I was fortunate enough to meet Brent 12 years ago. He quickly presented a plan for the future that I could see would be successful when followed. He explained everything in clear and concise language and answered every question possible. He is as passionate about ensuring  his clients/friends have all the knowledge they need to make a decision. He communicates every chance to attend an understanding finances course for free. He has never steered me or my investments in a wrong direction. As the world changed, so did he adjust the investments. The one thing that I found to be amazing with him, is that when he says there are no extra fees to make changes, withdrawals or adjustments, there were no fees!  Even as he has evolved as financial manager, I have never experienced a loss, of even an extra dollar. As usually happens, life gets in the way of great plans and when situations changed, he was able to ensure that I had quick and painless access to my assets. I continue to do so and have recommended Brent to all my family and friends.



Jill Moore


Waneta Usher

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When we 1st went to Waneta and Jill, I was completely overwhelmed, not only with the amount of debt but with how alone I felt with dealing with all of it. Although I am married, my husband took a back seat to our finances, I felt 100% to blame for our bills. After speaking to these 2 amazing women I realized quickly I wasn’t alone, and that with some help and advice we could do this. I left feeling like with the homework they gave us I could definitely do this with the help of my husband now. Not only were we facing the option to do a proposal, we were facing a world wide pandemic. Our jobs were up in the air, stress was maximized to say the least. We didn’t want to go the proposal route, and Waneta and Jill stood behind us 100%. I can not thank them enough for this vote of confidence! With their guidance and cheering us on, we managed to not only pay off 1 credit card completely, but pay off thousands of dollars on our debt all while still managing a household of 5 on limited funds. The one homework assignment Jill gave us was to get a 2nd bank account, free of fees to use instead of cash. This has saved our butts on more than 1 occasion. She instructed us to “pay ourselves” every 2 weeks for our grocery and gas and only use this account for that, and any left over money, transfer into the savings account. And keep it for whatever you want. I ended up having almost $400 dollars in my savings in no time and needed it when my husband was laid off due to Covid. I was so excited to have money saved and not have to use credit cards! This is the 1st time ever in my life I have been prepared!!! I actually have savings to help keep us afloat and that in itself is something I am so thankful for and hope that Waneta and Jill understand just how happy we are with them It may seem like a simple thing to some, but to me this was the best decision I have ever made financially. I will recommend Solomon over and over to anyone who has any type of financial questions! 

J & D.L.


Liz Machado

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Liz has been my trusted advisor for a number of years. She has helped me grow my investment portfolio, consistently offering applicable options to suit my needs. She is always helpful in educating me on and providing me with insurances and financial planning. I would absolutely recommend Liz Machado to assist in helping to achieve your financial goals and to provide the best insurance options to protect you and your family.



Brad Baird

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Brad Baird has been our Financial Advisor for 8 yrs helping to guide us through the difficult financial decisions to be made as I care for my husband with Dementia. He is so respectful and Knowledgeable on helping us invest our money and ways to increase our income to provide the care my husband needs. Brad has always been there for us with our best interest at heart. If you need a financial adviser I would highly recommend Brad Baird.


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